Terms Of Service
The terms and conditions apply to all business transactions carried out by NF PLATES hereinafter referred to as the 'Company'.
The person applying for bespoke goods from the 'Company' is hereinafter referred to as the 'Purchaser'.
Your statutory rights are not affected. It is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser to ensure that all the correct details are entered onto Company Internet forms and submitted or given to the Company's representative at the time of purchase. The Company's representative shall use standard phonetics to refer to combinations requested by the Purchaser. Under the Distance Selling Regulations, the Company must notify you that the service we provide begins as soon as an order is received, be that by internet, telephone or through the mail. Subsequently, there is no 'cooling off period', the transaction cannot be reversed and no refund can be given. In no circumstances shall the Company be made responsible for any wish by the 'Purchaser' to cancel the agreement. In such cases, any payment made shall be refunded in full, provided that the failure is through no fault of the Purchaser but by the Company. The Company's liability is strictly limited to a full refund only and no claims for damages; interest on monies paid or any other expenses shall be entertained. Every attempt is made to ensure the fastest possible despatch of products, the Company cannot guarantee any specific time period for the entire transaction. The Company cannot accept responsibility for delays or errors caused by the postal system, third-party carriers and electronic mail.
The 'Company' manufactures both Number and 'show' registration plates. Show registration plates are manufactured and supplied for 'off-road' use only, rally days, car shows, exhibitions and use on private land where the law does not apply. Due to stringent restrictions of trade placed upon the 'Company' by the DVLA, all registration plates, legal or otherwise will be sold to the 'Purchaser' on the basis of being for show use only and the 'Purchaser' may risk prosecution if the registration plates are used on the UK highway. Registration numbers must be displayed correctly. To mis-space or misrepresent your letters and numbers in a way is an offence under the Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) Regulations 1971. No verbal conditions or guarantees expressed or implied shall have an effect on these terms and conditions unless written and initialled by the Director of the Company. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected, impaired or invalidated. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties in respect of the purchase. Every effort is made to ensure that the material shown on this website does not cause offence to any individual or third party. If there is any material on this website that does, in fact, cause offence to any individual or third party then the 'Company' welcomes contact from that individual or third party and we shall then consider removal of the offending material. This agreement shall be governed and constructed in accordance with Law each party hereto submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts.
NF PLATES assist the efforts of the DVLA and Police in helping reducing car crime, we maintain records of every registration number we make. If requested by the Police to hand over details of who we supplied plate/plates to the 'company' must oblige. If like 99% of customers you are not a criminal, then you have absolutely no worries. Apart from the authorities on request, your personal details will never be shared with anybody else!
On this site, you will see many immediately noticeable company badges and logos. NF PLATES has no affiliation with any company whose logo is displayed on this site. It is not our intention to pretend to be associated with any of them. If any company is offended by this, then please contact us with regards its removal from this site.
Please be aware that all of our show plates are not for use on the public highway and by doing so you are in breach of the road traffic act. Show plates are therefore sold on the strict understanding that they will not be fitted to a road going vehicle and it is your responsibility as the purchaser to use them only in a legal fashion.